Tuscan Seats

Took delivery of two Tuscan seats from Bell Hill Garages, bought them from their eBay shop, delivery took a couple of days, fantastic service and great communication from the team down there.

So back to the seats, ok they are second hand but under a bit grime they are in good fettle. The grime just took a bit to remove about an hour per seat, first with Auto Glym Leather Cleaner and then with baby wipes :) well judge for yourself...

...and yes the standard size wheely-bin is the perfect tool for the support the seat when cleaning!

Now to the fitting...

Removal of the original seats was easy, 4 13mm nuts hold them in, the front ones are hidden in a recess in the floor pan.

The standard Chimaera seats have different fixing points to the Tuscan seats and are also different between the driver and passenger seats, the Tuscan needs holes 12" apart, as you see below the drivers side are at 10.5"

...ahem excuse the stain on the carpet

Fitting was fairly straight-forward, I dropped the front bolts through the existing front holes and the rear bolts made indents in the carpet, so drill the indents, refit the seats and bolt up. Job done.

I think they look very good, much better than the originals and they hold you better. The seat height is only just a little higher than the standard, I just hope the roll bar I have on order will still fit :)


Anonymous said…
Exellent,easy to understand conversion.Well done woody!Before this i was hesitant in thinking of fitting them! :-)
Anonymous said…
Look really nice and I'm tempted to try the same.

Don't the seats have a Tuscan name badge on the back though? If so did you find a suitable replacement or did you just remove them.
Ricardo Wood said…
They have the recesses for the badges but it looks like someone had taken removed them for keep sakes?!?!

At the moment I haven't founds any suitable replacements, I'll have to measure them up and see what will fit...I think the standard rear 400 Chimaera badge is too big...maybe a the Ford blue oval will? I'll keep you posted...
Anonymous said…
Hi Woody, did you every fit the roll bar? I already have one and looking for Tuscan seats now, I bought Cerbera seats and the top (shoulders) are too wide, they hit the roll bar.
Ricardo Wood said…

I did fit it...see above, it was a bit of a pain to fit and had to remove the seat backs so I could get them to move back far enough to be comfy...

Anonymous said…
Hi Woody, my name is Jack, I left the last post on the subject of seats and roll bar and really pleased you responded so quickly. I really want to thank you for all the work you've put into your site and tell you how much I appreciate it, I'm sure load of other do as well. I am really frustrated with my situation and need some advice, it there any way I can contact you, phone, email or even visit you and see your car?



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